Sunday, September 28, 2008

more William Carlos Williams, with audio

The Williams web exhibit at Case Western.

Many recordings of Williams reading his poems (web page menu from Penn).

Williams reading "Overture to a Dance of Locomotives" in 1945 (audio file).

Williams reading "To a Poor Old Woman" in 1942 (audio file).

Williams reading "The Term" in 1945 (audio file).

A word from Shakespeare (compare to "The Term").

The most often quoted sentences from Williams' introduction to The Wedge (1944).

There is something called pitch copper with electrical uses, but Williams is more likely thinking about copper roofing which uses copper sheets and bars.

Discussions (from Cary Nelson's site) of "Young Sycamore," and another version of the Stieglitz photograph that seems to have inspired the poem.

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